Women’s History Month Talk

To celebrate Women’s History Month we will be hosting a talk at Evergreen House on October 20 from 2:00-3:00 pm by Holly Hanes entitled “Women: Ordinary and Extraordinary in Nova Scotia’s Past”.
The talk will discuss the evolution of women’s roles in society, featuring ordinary and extraordinary women from the past. Outlining the early and typical occupations, and how women have paved the way through outstanding careers in male dominated worlds. From rural Nova Scotia to the urban centres, and even overseas we all have a story to tell.
Admission is by donation. Light refreshments will be served.
Holly is a resident of Upper Kennetcook, Hants County, who now lives in Halifax. She recently finished her Bachelor of Arts in History from Dalhousie and began her Masters in History this fall at Dalhousie, with focus on the Moirs Chocolate advertising.
You can RSVP on Facebook or by responding to the survey below.