I Sing Therefore I Am – 3rd Thursdays at Evergreen

Hello singers!
I Sing Therefore I Am is held at 7pm in the Red Parlour at Helen’s house (AKA Evergreen House, former home of the renowned folklorist Helen Creighton) which is located at 26 Newcastle Street in Dartmouth
ISTIA is open to everyone regardless of musical talent or experience and no preparation is necessary. Just “drop in and sing” — your voice will be one among many. Songbooks will be distributed at the event.
ISTIA is presented in close collaboration with the Dartmouth Heritage Museum Society and the Helen Creighton Folklore Society. There will be an opportunity for a free will donation to support one or both of these wonderful organizations.
We would appreciate a quick email back letting us know if you plan to attend, just so we can plan for numbers.
We hope to see you there!
Céo and Rob
As always, if you know someone you think would enjoy ISTIA, we would greatly appreciate if you would pass this message along to them.
About ISTIA:
What is I Sing Therefore I Am?
It is many things:
A Gathering of people who love to sing
An Opportunity to
learn, and in some cases learn about, a wide variety of “singable songs” from a wide variety of song styles. Songs that work well in a group context and have something special that makes them either beautiful or interesting or both.
Sing in a non-judgemental and supportive environment with experienced song leaders
Experience the thrill of group singing.
I Sing Therefore I Am is based on three foundational principles:
Everyone can sing
We are happy when we sing
We are especially happy when we sing together.
And a fourth one – fun!
Led by two experienced song leaders – Céo Gaudet and Rob Hutten.
Everyone is welcome. No previous singing or choir experience is necessary.
No preparation is necessary – just “drop in and sing”. Songbooks are provided.