Tuesday, November 27 is GivingTuesday, a global movement for giving and volunteering. For this GivingTuesday, we hope to raise $10,000 to make our historic gardens revitalization project a reality. To make this happen, we need your help!

Charles and Alice Creighton in the garden at Evergreen House
What is the project?
We want to make the historic gardens at Evergreen and Quaker House destinations for community members like you! Throughout the history of both houses, the residing families put much care into the garden spaces. We want to make both spaces healthy and available for interpretation purposes, and to open the garden up for public use as a green space. Our volunteers and staff put a lot of love and care into the Quaker House gardens this past summer, but it will require on-going upgrades and regular maintenance.
We want property at Evergreen House to be more accessible, especially the lower portion. Both topography and condition of the property have been the limiting factor for using this space. We also plan to install a half-moon patio and shade awning at the rear of Evergreen, which would provide a comfortable space for guests to relax and enjoy our weekly summer Afternoon Teas. In addition to creating a space for museum visitors, a patio would be a venue for community events and museum fundraising.
How can you give on GivingTuesday?
To donate and help us meet our goal, you can give online, in-person at Evergreen (cash, credit, debit) or by cheque (made out to Dartmouth Heritage Museum Society).
To give online, please click here, then select a Giving level and click on the shopping bag to complete the transaction. Transactions will be processed by PayPal (you do not need an account). All donations received will go towards making the historic gardens project a reality.
In recognition of your tax-deductible donation, a small commemorative plaque will be placed near a landscape element in the gardens at either Evergreen or Quaker House. The associated landscape element is listed below next to the giving level.
Giving Levels:
$500 – Tile on half-moon patio (Evergreen)
$100 – Tree (Evergreen or Quaker)
$50 – Garden bed (Evergreen or Quaker)
$20 – Perennial (Evergreen or Quaker)
If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you!