The Christmas of Covid

The Christmas of Covid
‘Twas the year of the covid, with no end in sight
So the great world of science, worked hard day and night.
No one could remember a time such as this,
No hugs among family, no young lovers kiss!
No longer together with those that they knew
They kept social distance, yet more cases grew.
In health care the workers exhausted with dread,
That things would get worse and infection rates spread.
When just before Christmas, some vaccines were found.
Restoring their hope, as the word spread around.
And when people awakened that strange Christmas morn’
So many alone, from their families torn.
But their spirits were lifted, a lessening of fright,
A vaccine for the virus was now in their sight.
And a light at the end of the tunnel they saw
When a gathering of friends, be not breaking the law!
The story is told from that strange Christmas Day
The most worried among them, still happily say,
How a voice from the heaven’s, they heard sweet and clear:
“Merry Christmas to ALL
and a Happy New Year!”
Poem By Joyce (Stevens) Baxter, Member of Evergreen Writers Group, December, 2020
Photo by Dale Wilson